Enjoy relaxing moments and let you be pampered. Perfectly combined for welldoing beauty – our packages!
- Gesichtsreinigung
- Diamant - Mikrodermabrasion oder Fruchtsäure Peeling
- Wirkstoffkonzentrat
- Mesotherapie mit Dermapen
- Abschlussmaske (ja nach Hauttyp)
- Individuelle Abschlusspflege
- Dauer ca 60-75 min.
Preis: | € 149,00 |
lifting - face treatment with sustainable effects
Microneedling Special
price: € 190
- Face cleansing
- Diamont microdermabrosion or fruit acid peeling
- Deep cleansing if needed
- Tissue activating face massage with mask
- Active agents concentrate
- Meso therapy with dermapen
- Seaweed modelage
- Individual finishing care
- Duration about 110 min
Diamant - Mikrodermabrosion
Price: € 95,00
This treatment removes the uppermost horny layer of skin with the help of an abrasive tool - controlled and free of pein. This stimulates the regenernative process of the cells, creating a finer porosity and reduces wrinkles - the ideal base for optimum absorption. Highly recommended for thick, horny skin which is oily, dry or sun damaged.
Cleansing and Diamant Peeling, Deep Cleaning if needed and Detoxification of the skin, Serum & mask, Finishing care
60 min

Pampering program
Price: € 240
- QMS! Medicosmetics individual facial treatment approx. 90 min
- OPI ProSpa manicure with polish approx. 60 min
- OPI ProSpa pedicure with polish approx. 60 min
Relaxation Program
Price: € 185
- PHYTOMER individual facial treatment approx. 70 min
- OPI ProSpa pedicure approx. 60 min
- OPI ProSpa manicure approx. 60 min
Wedding Program for Her
Price: € 315 (in stead of € 369)
- Trial Make-Up
- Bridal Make-up
- QMS! Pure Oxygen Treatment
- Eyebrow and eyelash tinting
- OPI ProSpa manicure with polish
- OPI ProSpa pedicure with polish
- 2-3 appointments
- *Special wishes on request
Wedding Program for Him
Price: € 225 (in stead of € 279)
- QMS! Pure Oxygen Treatment
- OPI ProSpa manicure
- OPI ProSpa pedicure
- 1 appointment